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Senin, 25 November 2013



Contoh daftar pusaka dengan Harvard style         

·         D. Gibson, Jerry, 2007, Multimedia Communication Directions and Innovations, Academic Press, San Dieg
·         Buller H, Hoggart K. 1994a. New drugs for acute respiratory distress syndrome. New England J Med 337(6): 435-439.
·         Buller H, Hoggart K. 1994b. The social integration of British home owners into rench rural communities. J Rural Studies 10(2):197–210.
·         Dower M. 1977. Planning aspects of second homes. di dalam Coppock JT (ed.), Seco
·         Hockett. Charles F. A Course in Modern Linguistics. New York: The Mac Millan Company. 1963.
·         Oliver. Robert T.. and Rupert L. Cortright. New Training for Effective Speech. New  York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc.,1958
·         Morris, Alton C. et. al. College English, the First Year. New York : Harcourt, Brace & World. Inc., 1964
·         Dahuri R. dan D.G.Bengen
·         White, A.T., P.Martosubroto dan M.S.MSadora
·         Dahuri, R., J. Rais, S.P.Ginting dan M.J.Sitepu
·         Keates, J.A. 1973. Cartographic Design and Production. London: Longmans.
·         Vanclay, F., and D. Bronstein. 1985. Environmental and social impact assessment. New
·         York: Wiley & Sons
·          McCafrey, R., Y.Bock, and J.Rais. 1990. Crustal deformation and oblique plate convergence in Sumatera. Eos.Trans.71: 637


·         Mutyarini, Kuswardani & Sembiring, Jaka 2006, ‘Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Untuk Institusi Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia’, Proceedings Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk Indonesia, Laboratorium Sinyal dan Sistem Dept. Teknik Elektro ITB, Bandung, 6.


·         Al-Mudimigh, Abdullah 2007, ‘The role and impact of business process management in enterprise system implementation’, Business Process Management Journal, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 866-884.
·         Kerr S. 2003. The Best Laid Incentive Plans.  Harvard Business Review, Vol 81 (1), p 27-37.


·         Hatta M.2004.  Yang Terlarang dalam Berkarier.